Working Groups • Cooperation and stakeholder engagement for ALE
• Cooperation and stakeholder engagement for ALE
European Policy strategies in the area of adult learning and education have increasingly stressed the need for more co-operations in order to implement them (e.g. Upskilling Pathways, the EU’s main basic skills strategy). Stakeholders that are often mentioned are social partners, companies and NGOs.
In the practice of adult learning, more cooperation has also happened, partly driven by EU programmes like the Lifelong Learning Programme, now called Erasmus+.
Many practitioners, researchers and policy-makers see the advantages of co-operations. Practice is influenced by research and strategies, research can become more aware of the practical aspects of ALE, and policy makers can rely on research for a better foundation of their strategies as well as a greater ownership and better implementation.
Nevertheless, stakeholder engagement and cooperations are not easy to set up. All kinds of barriers can stand in the way, such as competition, different organisational cultures, traditions etc. It therefore takes time and effort to build new cooperation structures and to engage different stakeholders.
In this group session we will investigate different forms of engagements. We will hear from a European project that has been working on Upskilling Pathways, i.e. the European Commission’s strategy for basic skills. Stakeholder mapping, cooperation development groups and road maps have been developed. We will also learn about Lifelong Learning Week in Slovenia, where cooperation is a key component.
The workshop is also meant to foster peer learning. We invite everyone from all continents to contribute their experiences in these areas, their successes or failures.
How have co-operations been achieved?
What are the participants’ recommendations for building successful cooperation mechanisms and structures?
Which conditions foster and which conditions hamper co-operations?
What makes stakeholders want to engage?
The Florence meeting is intended as an opportunity to reflect on what concrete actions could help to reach out to and effectively engage stakeholders in ALE. Moreover, it provides a platform and opportunity for professionals from various organisations and continents to collaborate on new and joint initiatives and identify potential partners for transcontinental and transatlantic cooperations.
European Association for the Education of Adults, Belgium
Chair of Panel:
Gina Ebner, Secretary General, EAEA, Member of the IACE Hall of Fame
Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, Slovenia
Judith Alamprese, Abt Global, United States
Mejai Avoseh, University of South Dakota, United States, Member of the IACE Hall of Fame
Sharon Bonney, COABE, United States
Irene Compte, University of Girona, Spain
Damian Faeh, Flying Teachers GmbH; EBSN, Switzerland
Éva Farkas, IACE Hall of Fame
Laura Formenti, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy
Daniela Frison, University of Florence, Italy
Heribert Hinzen, PIMA, Member of the IACE Hall of Fame
Nalita James, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Waynne James, Member of the IACE Hall of Fame Board of Directors, United States
Nicolas Jonas, UNESCO-UIL
Katrin Kaufmann-Kuchta, German Institute for Adult Education- DIE, Germany
Nicoleta Olcott, Liceul Tehnologic Matei Basarab Caracal, Romania
Viola Pinzi, European Association for the Education of Adults, Belgium
Nataša Potočnik, Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, Slovenia
Jost Reischmann, International Society for Comparative Adult Education (ISCAE), Member of the IACE Hall of Fame
Andreas Schleicher, OECD
Alfredo Soeiro, University of Porto, Portugal, Member of the IACE Hall of Fame
Thomas J. Sork, University of British Columbia, Member of the IACE Hall of Fame Board of Directors, Canada
Lorenza Venturi, INDIRE-Erasmus+ National Agency, Italy
Enrico Vignando, University of Udine & Modena-Reggio Emilia, Italy
Yan Guo, University of Calgary, Canada
Hall of Fame Mentor:
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