• Learning Cities



North American Alliance of Learning Cities - NAALC

Chairs of Panel:
Annalisa Raymer, NAALC
Margaret Shanahan, NAALC

Balázs Németh, Pécs Learning City, Hungary, Member of the IACE Hall of Fame
Denis Barrett, Cork (TBC)

Carmel Berendi, University of Pécs, Hungary
Gumpanat Boriboon, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand
Arne Carlsen, Denmark, Co-Chair of Hall of Fame-Europe
Anna Delort, Catalan Association for Education, Training and Research, Spain
Kristina Erkää, ASEM LLL Hub, Finland
Karen Evans, University College London, United Kingdom
Per Paludan Hansen, Danish Adult Education Association, Denmark, Member of the IACE Hall of Fame
Rosa Maria Falgàs Casanovas, ACEFIR, Member of the IACE Hall of Fame
Uwe Gartenschläger, President, European Association for the Education of Adults, Belgium, Member of the IACE Hall of Fame
Elizabeth Lange, Institute of Sustainable Futures University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Pascal Paschoud, Eucen-Formation Continue UNIL-EPFL, Switzerland
Francesc Pedró, UNESCO Institute for Higher Education, Spain
Roberta Piazza, University of Catania, Italy
Meilu Sun, East China Normal University, China
Magda Trantallidi, IACE Hall of Fame Member
Alan Tuckett, University of Wolverhampton, Member of the IACE Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Mentor:
Arne Carlsen, Denmark, Co-Chair of Hall of Fame-Europe


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